
roma valutazioni immobiliari

Real estate appraisals in Rome

Our real estate agency specializes in real estate appraisals in Rome through specific expertise for both commercial and legal purposes.Our in-depth knowledge of the local real estate market, urban planning regulations, and appraisal methodologies enables us to produce an efficient and highly reliable appraisal report. The combination of architectural skills with an understanding of the urban fabric of...

W Panieri MIMMOLUCA Casa ft08 1

The Treehouse

Location: Rome, Trastevere
Ground floor area: 250 m²
First floor area: 35 m²
Patio: 35 m²
Terrace: 50 m²Vertical development: 3 Levels (stand-alone building) The space was created from what remained of an old stable, over 8 meters high, with large truss roofs and a span of about 12 meters. The inspiration that guided the architects came from a childhood fantasy: the treehouse. The idea was...

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A good time to invest in real estate

The synthesis of two recent and different economic studies on the real estate market indicates that the current one is a propitious moment for those who decide to invest capital on brick. On the one hand, the "Feeling of the real estate market" for the first quarter of 2014, or the observatory developed by the University of Parma in collaboration with Sorgente Group and Federimmobiliare, reports the...

Buenos aires real estate

Real estate investments in Buenos Aires

Buying a house in Buenos Aires PROCEDURE FOR PURCHASING A HOUSE AND REAL ESTATE SALECIVILISTIC AND TAX PROFILES(source the short guide to follow, the various parameters to be considered for this type of investment property abroad and the procedures to follow to make the purchase in safety will be detailed.If you prefer we can do it for you, it will be enough to contact us by...

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