An innovative proposal from Paris, to face the post-pandemic

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The city of the framework is now a project launched by Mayor Anne Hidalgo and, according to the proposed version, a metropolis in whose neighborhood you can find everything you need in 15 minutes from home. A tool for the ecological transformation of the city, at the same time improving the daily life of the inhabitants and, it can be added, avoiding the crowds on public transport systems that must absolutely be avoided in times of epidemics.
It is an urban revolution, the Ville du quart d’heure, which is based on technological innovation.
The project aims to rethink the common spaces of a sector of the city, redeveloping streets, squares and intersections according to the spirit of the Ville du quart d’heure can change the quality of life for the better, as shown by a couple of explanatory tables proposed by the candidate’s staff mayor and that show how a crooked intersection, a road with calm traffic, a school complex, can become the engine for the rediscovery of spaces underutilized today and for the installation of new collective services for the benefit of all.
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