Dry Coupon contract in Rome

112331912 rental agreement paperwork document is mock up

Territorial agreement for the municipality of Rome between owner and tenant organizations

In the short guide to follow, the various parameters to be considered for this type of contract and the procedures to be followed to carry out the exact calculation will be detailed.
If you prefer we can do it for you, it will be enough to contact us by email or phone and we will be happy to help you.

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If you have a property to rent to referenced customers with transitional needs, ask for our assistance in searching a tenant and one of our consultants will follow you personally.

The scope of the Agreement relating to this contracts is made up of the territory administrative office of the Municipality of Rome. The territory of the Municipality is divided into 165 homogeneous zones as identified in the annex by the Territorial Agency. For the homogeneous areas as identified above, the bands of oscillation of the rents for values per square meter. monthly.
The parties will enter into individual lease contracts according to the attached model contract), which also contains – as formally agreed with this Agreement – the methods for updating the fee to the extent of 75% of the Istat variation.
The rent for each individual property unit is determined by the parties within the fluctuation range referred to in the annex and on the basis of the objective elements referred to in the annex. With regard to the distribution of ancillary charges between the lessor and the lessee, the organizations stipulating this Agreement approve the table as per the attachment.

The square meters of the real estate unit are given by the sum of the following elements:
a) the entire floor area;
b) 50% of the surface of the individual garages;
c) 20% of the surface of the parking space in common use garages;
d) 25% of the surface of balconies, terraces, cellars and other similar accessories;
e) 15% of the uncovered area pertaining to the property for the exclusive use of the tenant;
f) 10% of the green condominium surface corresponding to the thousandth share of the unit
real estate.
g) the area referred to in letter a) will have a tolerance for excess or defect of 5%.

The surface of the rooms with a height of less than 1.70 m is counted at 70%.
For housing with internal surface area between 46 sqm. and 70 sqm. the surface has increased by 15% up to a maximum of 70 sqm.
For housing with an internal surface area of less than 46 m2. the surface has increased by 20% up to a maximum of 50.6 sqm
The aforementioned limits take into account the sentence of the Constitutional Court n ° 236 of 18/6/1987.

1) The parties agree that, limited to contractual renewals, the increases referring to the housing surfaces up to 46 sqm they will not apply for households composed exclusively of one or two over sixty-five-year-olds, whose family income does not exceed €. 21,434.00 (limit of forfeiture of the Lazio Region for ERP accommodation), to be calculated based on art. 21 first paragraph of Law 457/78.2)
2)The unit value per square meter and the oscillation bands and sub-bands can be reduced to one maximum of 15% for housing whose surface is equal to or greater than 120 sqm.
3) If the individual contracting parties agree on a contractual duration of more than three years, the fluctuation band of the fees referred to in the annex, relating to the Municipality and the areas where the property is located, may undergo an increase in the minimum and maximum values 4% for contracts with a duration of four years, 6% for contracts with a duration of five or six years, 10% for contracts longer than six years, valid for the entire contractual term.
For the properties referred to in art. 1, paragraph 2, letter a), Law 431/98, the fluctuation ranges of the fees pursuant to
Municipality or areas where the property is located will undergo a 15% increase in the minimum and maximum values ​​for the entire contract term.
This increase will be cumulative with that of the case referred to in the previous paragraph, if recurring.
For fully furnished real estate units with efficient and non-degraded furniture and with
fully functional appliances, the values ​​of the sub-bands may increase up to one maximum of 20%.


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In order to identify the specific range of oscillation of reference, to determine the canon of
lease to be applied in individual cases, the parties agree on the definition of “normal” accommodation, which as such is in the “average” range of oscillation, for each housing unit that is equipped with a connection to the water network, gas supply (also by means of a deposit in compliance with current safety regulations), connection to the sewer network, a suitable heating system, a normal general maintenance status.

The “normal” type accommodation, as defined above, can be placed within the maximum range in
presence of at least three parameters among those indicated in this annex.
The definition of the fee actually applicable, within the individual sub-bands (minimum, average, maximum), will be determined between the parties, with the assistance of trade union organizations, if requested by one party only, with reference to the state of maintenance of the accommodation and the building, the type, the services that can be used as means of transport, schools, etc., from every element that characterizes it among those commonly present in the real estate market: display, finishes, fixtures, etc.

Si conviene che la collocazione al valore massimo della fascia massima, potrà avvenire solo in
presenza di almeno sei parametri tra quelli indicati nel presente allegato.
Il canone individuato sarà diminuito di una percentuale pari al dieci per cento per alloggi situati al
piano seminterrato, e per quelli posti oltre il terzo piano senza ascensore, mentre per gli alloggi situati al piano attico, il canone sarà incrementato del 10%.
Il canone potrà essere aggiornato annualmente in misura non superiore al 75% della variazione Istat.

The adjustment of the rent will start from the month following the one in which it is requested.
As for supplementary bargaining with large private real estate, privatized, referred to in the aforementioned Ministerial decree, this will take place within the oscillation bands, without take into account the parameters indicated in this annex, being the same referred exclusively to small property.
The bargaining for the large property will refer to the middle range of each area, with decreases or increases in the same, in the presence of situations, ascertained between the parties, of degradation or of greater value.

Within the oscillation bands of the facilitated channel, up to three sub-bands are identified;
the following elements are taken into account for the identification of the sub-bands:

1. Parking space;
2. Courtyard of common use, historic or equipped with greenery;
3. Cellar;
4. Terrace or balcony;
5. Green area of relevance;
6. Air conditioning system;
7. Relevant sports facility;
8. Double services;
9. Armored door;
10. Double glazing;
11. Garden for exclusive use with an area of 80 m2. or beyond;
12. Building completed or completely renovated in the last 10 years;
13. Security system or alarm system;
14. Eat-in kitchen with window;
15. Intercom or Videophone;
16. Centralized antenna or satellite system;
17. Independent heating;
18. Building not exceeding four floors, with a maximum of three apartments on each floor;
19. Structures for overcoming architectural barriers.


[su_button url=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/calcolo-canone-concordato.xlsx” target=”blank” background=”#ef492d” size=”4″ icon=”icon: arrow-circle-down”]Download File excel for the value calcolation [/su_button]

If this guide does not seem sufficient or if you prefer that a professional follow you directly in the calculation of the agreed fee and consequent search for a referenced conductor, you can contact us from here:
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