Italy Real Estate Market

roma milano venezia

Investments in luxury properties in Rome, Milan and Venice

According to the Observatory of Exclusive Residences,  the sale of luxury properties in Milan and Rome begins to rise again. The first half of 2015 showed signs of a trend towards consolidation in the sector, already recorded in the previous half year. The increase in transactions for this segment of the real estate market, the highest one, stood at + 32%. Positive signs, therefore, especially because,...


Sale your property in Rome, Milan, Venice, Florence

If you are interested in evaluating a professional who deals with the sale of a prestigious property in Rome, Milan, Venice or Florence, you have six excellent reasons to entrust your property in a Studio Fori real estate: • Specialized and individual assistance throughout the mandate • Careful selection of potential customer buyers • Study development and implementation of a marketing plan...


Holiday Homes Crisis? here is an alternative

The keyword is converting our holiday home to a transitory rent to non-resident customers who, for reasons of temporary transfer, decide to rent a furnished house rather than renting an apartment for 3 days a week or paying for a hotel. We are confident that many establishments are currently experiencing a significant drop in short-term bookings. This is due to two fundamental factors; the first concerns...

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Esquilino Redevelopment

The Esquiline will be one of the districts affected by the next works for the redevelopment and decoration of the city of Rome. The Municipality of Rome has presented some proposals that incorporate the needs of the associations in the area surrounding Monti and Piazza Vittorio. The set of works envisaged also favors the revaluation of properties with prestigious characteristics, currently penalized by a...

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Dry Coupon contract in Rome

HOW TO CONCLUDE FACILITATED CONTRACTS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ROME Territorial agreement for the municipality of Rome between owner and tenant organizations In the short guide to follow, the various parameters to be considered for this type of contract and the procedures to be followed to carry out the exact calculation will be detailed. If you prefer we can do it for you, it will be enough to contact...

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Luxury properties

Real Estate Offers Reserved for prestigious properties in Rome Penthouses, luxury apartments & prestigious residences, real estate and hotels for sale in the capital. For many years, we have been operating successfully in the real estate purchase and sale sector dedicated to prestigious properties in the historic centers of Italian cities of art, Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan and oalso of the...

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A good time to invest in real estate

The synthesis of two recent and different economic studies on the real estate market indicates that the current one is a propitious moment for those who decide to invest capital on brick. On the one hand, the "Feeling of the real estate market" for the first quarter of 2014, or the observatory developed by the University of Parma in collaboration with Sorgente Group and Federimmobiliare, reports the...

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Dry Coupon: what changes with the new house plan 2014

The dry coupon is an optional taxation regime on leases because you can freely choose whether to adhere to the coupon, thus having advantages that are substantiated in the payment of a substitute tax for personal income tax and the additional ones and in the exemption from the payment of the register and stamp duty, normally due for registration, termination and extension of lease contracts. By choosing...

TCJ tax

TASI: specifications on a new tax

With the new law for the 2014 home plan, new taxes related to the ownership of buildings and the provision of municipal services, which fall under the single municipal tax IUC, become part of the tax regime: it includes the IMU (excluding the main dwellings), the Tari, that is the tax on waste to be paid by the user, and the Tasi which constitutes the tax on "indivisible services". Tasi is the tax relating...


Habitable in residential buildings and attics

When choosing a property to buy, it is not sufficient checking the materials, the location, the distribution of the premises, but it is necessary to also take the time to check the documentation that proves compliance with the town planning, cadastral and hygiene and safety standards. In this context, a simple act that apparently can be defined as "bureaucratic", such as the habitability certificate,...

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