A good time to invest in real estate

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The synthesis of two recent and different economic studies on the real estate market indicates that the current one is a propitious moment for those who decide to invest capital on brick.
On the one hand, the “Feeling of the real estate market” for the first quarter of 2014, or the observatory developed by the University of Parma in collaboration with Sorgente Group and Federimmobiliare, reports the overwhelming optimism among the operators in the sector, who Most believe that the sector will improve or remain stable over the next twelve months.
On the other hand, the Observatory on the real estate market curated by Nomisma, reveals that, despite a significant increase in the volume of sales, “the road to the recovery of the real estate market is long and tortuous”, and that “the continuing economic weakness represents a element of indisputable penalization of the possibility of purchasing durable goods “.
The result of these two investigations is that the market is still in favor of the buyers. «The average discount applied on the asking price», underlines Nomisma, «is high, but all in all stable for the third consecutive semester. Within the residential market, on average, 16.5% was reached, with peaks of 19.6% in peripheral markets; on the business real estate side, the average discount applied exceeded 17% ». Conversely, there was a holding of rents, whose market “in 2014 showed a lower dispersion of values ​​in 2014 and an increase in the median rent”.
The luxury market segment deserves a separate discussion regarding Rome and Milan. After recording a drop in prices estimated at around 10% between 2010 and 2013, it now appears to have stabilized.

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