Real Estate Brokerage

real estate brokerage

The Real Estate Brokerage service of Studio Fori real estate is aimed at professional investors and private owners of properties who intend to use a business agency for the purchase, sale or rental of valuable real estate.

Through a meticulous market analysis, it assists its customers in all phases of the research and purchase process by providing technical and qualified support. Studio Fori real estate uses notary, commercial and architectural studies, competent and reliable, expert connoisseurs of all technical and urban aspects, to be in line with a very demanding expectation.


Property owners

Advice dedicated to owners of properties or real estate assets, intending to:

  •      sell property
  •      rent property
  •      Enhance real estate through restoration for subsequent sale or lease


First home buyers

Research and selection services for properties to buy or rent for residential, office or commercial purposes

  •     Market Analysis
  •     Urban area evaluation
  •     Comparable asset
  •     Property selection
  •     Negotiation management


Real Estate Investors

The agency provides complete advice in order to optimize the purchase and sale process, by analyzing the urban fabric and social context of the area, evaluating the purchase price of the property, negotiating the purchase process, optimizing restoration costs , Marketing the property (resale or rental price).

Particular emphasis is given to those who intend to use their property or buy one for the classic purpose of the return on investment through leasing. In this case, in fact, we are confident that we can provide the exact strategy to place the property in the market segment suitable for our transitory customers (private and corporate), who having the need to rent fully equipped apartments for transitional periods (1-2 years ), represent the ideal customer to manage contracts of limited duration in order to reevaluate the property in subsequent years, taking advantage of market adjustments.

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